A goal of Chicago’s Ultimate Tumblers, (The CUT) , Orpheus R. FLoyd, President, is to provide positive after school activity. We focus on mentoring; tutoring, and self esteem building. Our children are given the opportunity to compete in city-wide competition as well as perform at professional venues such as basketball games,football games, block club parties, circuses, parades, school events etc… We travel around the country performing for great leaders such as our president of the US. We perform at events that set an example of greatness for the children. We have experienced coaches who have been performing for over 20 years, have performed in circus shows, have performed in national competitions and want to share their great experiences with the youth of tomorrow. The Secretary of State Jesse White who has dedicated his life to empowering young children and helping them to move forward, trained us. And we in turn want to train others. Our youth are our future and we hope to pass on our knowledge through mentoring, training, e m p o w e r m e n t , knowledge etc… in hopes that they too shall return to the communities and share what they have learned. Dedicated, organized, professionals run our organization. We are always available to help any child in need. We build relationships with every community that we work in. We are working in conjunction with the Park District to increase memberships and give the children another option to the “street life”. We work with the parents and schools of the youth. All of the children are required to maintain a “B”average in all classes. We are there to help the children with their homework, social skills and professionalism. We are in a unique position to help the children and aleviate some worries of the parents by providing a safe environment for their children. If you’d like to support us, make your check payable to Chicago’s Ultimate Tumblers. We are a not-for-profit organization and all donations can be tax deductible.
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Chicago Ultimate Tumblers at Buskerfest in Toronto, Canada
Chicago Ultimate Tumblers at Buskerfest in Toronto, Canada

chicago ultimate tumbles at lollapollaza
As you watch Chicago's Ultimate Tumblers, they were really impressive! They were doing flips and jumping over each other. The judges loved them! This was one of the best groups of tumblers on this show.This show went bad when one of the men took a spill. He was jumping over another man and a young girl. He ended up not jumping quite as far as he needed to and hitting the girl in the head. She fell down, but got right up again!
The judges immediately wanted to talk to her and see how she was doing. She said that she was just fine and did not even feel the pain. She was the only girl in the group and is only 14 years old.
All three judges said yes to this group so we will be seeing them again!
Otherwise known as the loves of my life. They are the epitome of cool. The group – created by the tall big guy in some of these photos (his name is Orpheus Floyd Sr….I’m not even kidding) – was created to ‘provide a safe haven to Chicago’s Youth. With hopes of keeping the youth safe from the streets of Chicago’ (I googled them).They have been on Americas Got Talent (as performers not contestants I think – another guy we saw at the fest was in the finals for Americas Got Talent, i’ll post him later) and recently performed for the Obamas.
I totally spoke to one of them when we asked when they were next performing. Chany said “when will you guys be dancing next” and he said “oh umm we’re gymnasts, not dancers” Awkward but great. They seemed really nice. They jumped over 19 people in a row. Amazing.
Chicago Ultimate Tumblers (CUT) Blew My Mind at Kidzapalooza By
Words can’t even describe how amazed I was by the Chicago Ultimate Tumblers. They awed everyone in Kidzapalooza with their ultimate acrobatic moves! Tumblers jumped off of trampolines leaping over other members of the group and volunteers from the crowd. Some tumblers soared over 17 people! It is definitely a sight to see. I suggest catching them anytime you can! President Orpheus R Floyd says the goal of the CUT is to provide positive after school activity and to focus on mentoring, tutoring and self esteem building. The CUT doesn’t only compete in city-wide competitions; they were also on Season 6 of “America’s Got Talent” and have performed at the White HouseChicagos Ultimate Tumblers (C.U.T.) President Orpheus R. Floyd, Sr. has one goal for his program - provide a positive after school activity for children who may otherwise be lured into "street life." Floyd showed the students of Centennial School just how much activity the children of C.U.T. are engaged in throughout the year. Chicago's Ultimate Tumblers is a group of children and adults who perform a routine of high-flying gymnastics and acrobatics. A graduate of the Jesse White Tumblers, Floyd notes, "Our youth are our future and we hope to pass on what we know through mentoring, training, empowerment, and knowledge in hopes that they, too, shall return to their communities and share what they have learned." Centennial students and staff were left amazed by the stunts of the group, who were happy to share with students the importance of balancing school work with their practice and performance time.